Realistic Innards from Severed Inanimate Objects by Cao Hui

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Words // Author Pop Curious

Artist Cao Hui specializes in exceedingly detailed and realistic sculptures and paintings, setting him apart from anything else we’ve ever seen. What gets us is the detail and realism are generally applied to the innards of his subjects. His sculptures depicting animals and humans in various states of physical undress are like a more dark and humorous Body Worlds exhibit, yet his latest works are something else. He has taken furniture, luggage and clothing, and applied the same grotesque, evisceration to them. They may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they really are a marvel to behold. Take a look at these disturbingly realistic innards of inanimate objects and judge for yourself.

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

Disturbingly Realistic Innards of Inanimate Objects

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